
Books and Giggles is a blog for parents of toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary aged kids. If you enjoy reading and fun, educational activities with your children, then you’re in the right place.

I am a stay-at-home mom of a boy and twin girls. We live in Texas and love the long summers here. My husband refuses to live anywhere that he has to shovel snow!

If you’ve read many posts here, you may have already picked up some of my story.

If you read my post on Sandbox Geography, you learned that took an around-the-world trip before I had kids. That feels like a lifetime ago!

It also feels like forever ago that I made a career change to education. I taught middle school reading and social studies up until my twins were two. I loved it, but I felt like I was missing out on too much, so I decided to become a stay-at-home mom. I feel really lucky that we’re able to make that work.

You can’t ever stop thinking like a teacher, though. Yes, I am THAT mom at the playground — the one who steps right up and reminds the ten-year-old boys to follow the rules.

I also can’t help but think up new ways to make playtime educational.

The kids are into their plastic animals this week? Why not make it a sight word game? They’ve gotten the beads down? Hey – let’s make patterns! It is so much fun dreaming up these activities, and I love, love, LOVE sharing them here.


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You can reach me via books and giggles at yahoo d0t com.

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