5 Fun Active Learning Egg Hunt Games for Siblings {Free Printable}

Here’s a fun, Easter time activity for learning letters, sight words, spelling words, or math facts. It’s perfect for kids who crave movement. Pretty much all you need are plastic Easter eggs and the free printable in this post. You can have multiple kids play it together, even if they’re working on learning completely different things. If you’re a teacher, scroll down for a classroom adaptation.
Fun Learning Games, Easter | 5 egg hunt games for siblings to practice sight words, spelling words, or math facts at Easter time. Also includes a differentiated version for classrooms.

Egg Hunt Game Materials

  • 15 plastic Easter eggs (or 5 per child for classroom game)
  • 1 Easter basket, bag, or other container per child
  • Printout of control card and game pieces (print 1 copy per 2
    children, except Game 5 needs 1 copy per child)
  • Scissors
  • Pen/pencil
Fun Learning Games, Easter | 5 egg hunt games for siblings to practice sight words, spelling words, or math facts at Easter time. Also includes a differentiated version for classrooms.


Egg Hunt Game Preparation


1. Cut apart the game pieces and put one in each plastic egg.
2. Write each child’s name on an Easter basket at the top of
the control card.
3. Write the words or math facts the child is studying in
the column under the child’s name – one item per cell. (Or just lay out flashcards in the spaces)

Egg Hunt Game Instructions

Game 1 – Basic Version

1. Parent hides the Easter eggs.
2. Kids find all the eggs.
3. Kids open each egg to reveal the game piece inside.
4. Parent help kids match the picture on the
game piece to the corresponding picture on the control card. Then the child
reads/spells/solves the word or math fact.

Game 2 – Maximum Movement

1. Parent hides all the eggs.
2. Children search for eggs. Each time s/he finds one, bring it back to parent with control card.
3. Read/spell/solve the game piece.
4. Then, depending on the game piece, perform an action as follows:
  • chick = pretend to flap wings
  • carrot = pretend to pull carrots from the ground
  • bunny = hop, of course!
  • egg = spin around
  • flower = “grow” like a flower: squat down, then stand up and open arms wide above head

5. Continue steps 2-4 until all eggs are found.


Easter bunny


Game 3 – Competitive Version

There are 15 eggs, so if you’re playing with 2 children allow one child to find 8 eggs and the other 7. The first to find 8 and correctly answer the corresponding question is the winner.

Game 4 – Kids Hide the Eggs

1. Lay out all the game pieces face down.
2. Kids take turns turning over the pieces and solving the corresponding problems. For each correct answer, the child receives an empty egg. (You can allow multiple tries if you want.)
3. The kids hide their eggs.
  • You can have the kids hide simultaneously and the parent find the eggs.
  • Or, you can have one kid at a time hide eggs and the other kid(s) find them.

4. Kids open the eggs they found. Then they match the pieces to the control card and read/spell/solve.


Fun Learning Games, Easter | 5 egg hunt games for siblings to practice sight words, spelling words, or math facts at Easter time. Also includes a differentiated version for classrooms.


Game 5 – Quiet Time

This version is more meditative, but still has some movement. You will need to print out a control card for each child.
1. Rather than hiding eggs, lay them out in a large circle around the room.
2. The children start back to back and go in opposite directions around the circle. They pick up one egg at a time, open it, and read or solve. For spelling words, they say it and spell it aloud (so it’s practice rather than a test of memory).
3. Have the children work at the same pace to keep the atmosphere meditative. (They also could race towards each other for a wilder, more competitive game.)


Bonus Game – Classroom Adaptation

This isn’t very time efficient for the classroom, but it would be good for the day before Easter or Spring Break when energy levels are high.

Classroom Game Preparation

In each cell on the control card, write two words or math problems. Make copies – half as many as you have students. You may like to make each column a different difficulty level.

Have each student fill 5 eggs with game pieces. Put the students in partners, and determine a “Partner A” and a “Partner B.”

Classroom Game Instructions

1. Call all the Partner A’s to hide 10 eggs (preferably outside!) while the Partner B’s aren’t looking.
2. Then, each Partner A holds the control card (with an answer key if it’s math facts) while Partner B finds 10 eggs and solves/reads/spells.
3. Repeat with Partner B hiding the eggs and A solving.
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Fun Learning Games, Easter | 5 egg hunt games for siblings to practice sight words, spelling words, or math facts at Easter time. Also includes a differentiated version for classrooms.


My twins tried out several of these games with their sight words and loved them. They were having so much fun that Liam, who’s in 3rd grade, wanted to join in for a round. For him, we gave him multiplication facts. I’d say the game is more for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade aged children though. If you have kids in that age range, then get set to have a blast with these egg hunt learning games.

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