Rainy Day Wisdom
You know how, sometimes, seeing the world through your child’s eyes can really change your attitude?
Recently, it was pouring rain, and I had just finished loading a cart full of groceries into the minivan. My jeans were wet, and my socks were soggy inside my soaked tennis shoes.
I took a deep breath, mentally preparing to navigate the flooded streets.
Just then, my son piped up from the third row.
“This is a good day to do the grocery shopping.”
Wasn’t he too young for sarcasm?
I asked him whether he was trying to be funny.
“No, mommy. It’s good it’s raining because if it were sunny then we’d be missing out on doing something fun.”
I didn’t mind the wet drive home nearly as much after that.
Don’t you love it when little minds give you a new perspective?
Hi Heather.
Our children are amazing teachers. I find my children are always imparting wisdom to me. 🙂 I like this article, because it is a great reminder about perspective and attitude. 🙂 I came here via The Mad Mommy Saturday link up. I think you'd love my site since you are an avid reader. 🙂
Pamela – Literate For Life
I grew up in the desert, and now living in western Washington, where it rains a lot (obvious statement, I know). I love the rain. It reminds me that I'm where I'm suppose to be now. I always felt like I didn't belong in the town I grew up in, and even had other people tell me that as well. It took a long time, but I found where I was suppose to be, and my daughter certainly helped with that. The first time I took her to visit Seattle and Tacoma, she fell in love with it too. I didn't need anymore encouraging after that!
We recently moved to Oregon from Utah and before that Indiana. I too have learned to love the rain. Oregon is so green and lush. And children see the green trees and the flowers that the rain products and not the rain. Love their prospective !!! Thanks for sharing.
I love a child's perspective. We can learn so much from them, can't we?!
Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely day.
Great perspective. I try to tell myself I get more cleaning done when it rains. Thanks for sharing on Small Victories Sunday link up.
This is such a great perspective! I want to borrow some of his positive energy! lol. 🙂
What they say so innocently, earnestly and sincerely really does make you smile doesn't it? 🙂