Transportation Line Tracing Worksheets {Free Printable}.
These free printable transportation line tracing worksheets are a simple no-prep fine motor activity for your preschool transportation unit, Use them for practicing prewriting skills and for introducing alphabet letter sounds.
Plus, you don’t have to use these just as worksheets. You can cut them into strips to work on one at a time. …and I have some other fun ideas for you too!

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Transportation Line Tracing Worksheets
These line tracing worksheets have lots of curvy lines – so they’re most appropriate for children who already can trace and draw straight lines and circles.
Developing Fine Motor Skills
Tracing is a great way for children to practice proper pencil grip and strengthen finger muscles as they prepare for writing.
Of course, children should also be doing other types of activities to develop their fine motor skills. Try some of these engaging fine motor activities:
- Shaping playdough
- Working with small manipulatives
- Snipping with scissors
- Painting on vertical surfaces, such as an easel
- Other non-paper activities, such as using a spray bottle, making kids crafts, and sensory play with tongs or spoons.
I know, though, that sometimes you just need a worksheet. Maybe you need to fill in a small gap of time or to make them feel grown-up (like their older siblings who have homework). Maybe you have kids who like worksheets – it happens!
I’m not a big fan of boring worksheets that are just asking children to trace plain lines, so I came up with this transportation-themed set to liven things up for you.
Transportation Theme

Children love to learn about all the different modes of transportation. They’re fascinated with cars, trains, trucks, and rockets. Tracing the path of each vehicle is a great way to motivate your littles to practice using a pencil, crayon, or dry erase marker!
This set of transportation line tracing worksheets includes 12 different types of vehicles: hot air balloon, bicycle, helicopter, blimp, rocket, car, submarine, motorcycle, train, truck, fire truck, ice cream truck.

Teaching Letter Sounds
Children will trace from the letter circle next to the mode of transportation across to the letter circle next to a logical place you would travel to in that vehicle.
If you are working with a child one on one or in a small group, you can point out and name the letters, and talk about the sounds they make.
Preparation & Materials
You have a few options for preparing these transportation tracing worksheets.
Here is my favorite: laminate the pages or slip them into sheet protectors, as shown above. Then, set them out with a variety of colored dry erase markers.
Another option is to cut them apart into strips and laminate each one individually.

Or, you can just give each child their own black and white copy. They can trace and color them with crayons or regular markers.

Another fun way to use these tracing lines is to drive across them with little vehicles (affiliate). You could do that as a warmup to using a pencil or crayon, or as a reward afterward – whatever best fits your students’ needs.
Children should trace each road or pathway across the strip from left to right. That way they are getting a head start on their next step in development – writing letters and numbers!
Tips for Lefties
If you’re using a plain paper or laminated version (rather than a sheet protector), you’ll want to help out your left-handed kids so that they can still see the vehicle’s path. You may want to provide a bit of masking tape to anchor the paper for them instead.
Extend the Learning
If you’re working with students individually or in small groups, you can discuss the name and details of each mode of transportation as they trace each line. That way they’re developing their vocabulary and verbal expression skills as well.

Developing fine motor skills is a vital part of any preschooler’s early education. These transportation-themed tracer sheets will help kids build dexterity and get ready to write letters, numbers, and shapes!
Download the Tracing Strips
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