Christmas Letter Sound “Gifts”

Inside: Free printable Christmas letters sounds cards that are hands-on interactive! Use these to help preschoolers learn letters and letter sounds this holiday season.

"free Letter Sound Christmas Gifts" title and photo of hands unfolding a paper strip that shows a gift wrapped box with the letter D on the outside and a dog inside.

Get ready for some festive learning fun with this Christmas-themed free printable! Children can practice naming letters (and their sounds, if they’re ready) before unfolding a ‘present’ to reveal a hidden surprise – which will help them learn that letter’s initial sound.

Christmas Letter Sounds Cards

These are a small, playful way to spark engagement during a busy holiday season. Yes, they are a little bit like flashcards, but they are *NOT* flashcards unless you use them that way (please don’t). My intention is that you choose a special letter or two for each child and give it to them as a little gift.

(If you need more explicit Christmas alphabet lessons you might like my hands-on snap cube elf ABCs activity or Christmas stockings letter sounds printable.)

GIF of hands unfolding a letter D card featuring a dog, next to still folded cards for letters E and F.

What’s Included in the Free Printable

The free printable includes all 26 letters of the alphabet, with 6 letter “gifts” per page. You will need to print in color, but I tried to keep it ink-light for you.

Preparation & Materials

Once you have the pages you want printed, here’s how you turn them into folding cards.

  1. First, cut each page in half and trim the edges so that you have a 3-card block.
1. trim edges, showing the top half of the printable cut out and trimmed around the edges

2. Next, fold in half horizontally as shown below.

2. fold in half

3. Now, fold the top back up along the line and crease it firmly.

"3. fold back up" showing a hand folding the cards

This gives you a block of 3 cards with the inside of the boxes hidden inside the fold:

"step 3 complete" showing row of 3 cards folded so that they look like gift boxes with letters on them

4. Now it’s time to cut the block apart (if you had cut them apart first you would have had to fold each one individually, so it saves time to fold them first and then cut).

"4. Cut apart" showing scissors and cut apart cards

Peek-a-boo! All done!

one unfolded letter sound card and two that are still folded

How to Use

You’ll want to pre-select letters to use with each child. That could be the first letter of their name, your letter of the week (if you do that), or the next few letters on their personalized plan.

folded and unfolded letter sound gift box paper strips

I would speak to children one-on-one or in a small group, and say something like this (you can imagine the children’s responses):

“I have a little Christmas present for you today.

Look, it has the letter B on the front.

I see an uppercase B and a lowercase b.

I wonder what’s inside the box? Maybe it’s something that has the /b/ sound?

Shall we open it?


Oooh! What do you see?

Yes, a bicycle! Bicycle starts with the letter B and the /b/ sound.

You get the idea.

Once you give each child their own letter present you can let them color the gift box and play with opening and closing it.

In case there are jealousies over friends’ letters you may want to be prepared with extra copies. I’m pretty sure the cat, dog, and fire truck will be in demand!

Download the Free Printable

Ready for the free Christmas letter sounds cards?

To get your very own set, you can sign up right here:

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Happy Teaching!

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