Summer Name Worksheets for Letter Recognition Practice {Free Printable}

Inside: free printable summer name worksheets that are easy to personalize for each child.

There’s nothing like a child’s very own name to get him or her interested in letters!

Children with really long names may have a hard time learning to write them, but there are sure a lot of letter recognition opportunities in the process. Kids with very short names can start learning their last names, or they may be interested in learning letters in their friend’s or siblings’ names.

However you approach it, names are a great springboard to teaching the alphabet!

Summer Name Worksheets

For summer, I’ve made you these pool and beach theme editable name worksheets. Kids can find the letters in their names on the “sand” and in the “pool”. They can even trace their names on the beach.

How to Personalize the Worksheets

All you need to personalize these summer name worksheets is the free version of Adobe Reader and a computer.

You’ll simply type each child’s name, and then type the individual letters in the name. Fill in the extra spaces at the end with random letters to make the worksheet more challenging, or leave the spaces blank to make it easier (i.e. no unneeded letters appear on the worksheet).

Just double-click on the first name. Then, you can hit the TAB key to jump from letter to letter.

Then, voila! — the names and name letters will ‘magically’ appear on the worksheets!

How to Use the Name Worksheets

Your kids can find their names on each worksheet. Then, they can search for each letter in their name.

Give them something fun to color it with, such as a marker, glitter crayon, or highlighter.

Finally, on the last worksheet, they also can trace their names. For kids who are ready to write, you’ll want to instruct them on proper letter formation first.

Download the Summer Name Worksheets

Ready for the free pool and beach-themed name worksheets?

To get your very own set, you can sign up right here:

    I’ll add you to my weekly-ish newsletter too – it’s full of ideas and more free printables. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.

    “Get Ready to Read” Summer Camp

    Do you want to prepare your preschoolers for the upcoming school year?

    Or, help your kindergartners review concepts to prevent the summer slide?

    This month-long bundle of engaging and educational activities will keep your kids learning this summer.

    Click on the picture below to learn more about the “Get Ready to Read” Summer Camp.

    More Name Letter Worksheets

    You might also like these additional name letter and name tracing resources:


    1. Hi! How do you get the bubble letters? I have been trying to change my font but it keeps reverting back to the original font and size. Any way to change that? thanks!

      1. Hi Ann,
        I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting the font to look right. Usually, when this happens it’s because your computer has opened it for you in something other than Adobe Acrobat Reader. Can you try opening Reader first, and then going to File, Open from there to open the file? Also, if you are on a tablet try opening it on a computer instead. Let me know if that doesn’t solve it!


    2. I have the file open in Adobe Acrobat Reader but cant get it to be in bubble letters? Am I missing a step?

      1. Hi Jaime,
        You may be using an Acrobat Reader browser window. Try opening the standalone free Adobe Acrobat Reader program and going to File, Open from there. Also, make sure you are on a computer rather than a tablet. Let me know if you’re still having trouble.

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