Letter Y Dot Marker Worksheets

If your kids love dot markers and are working on learning the letter Y and the initial /y/ sound, then they’ll enjoy these free letter Y dot marker worksheets.

4 variations of letter Y dot marker worksheets and a drawing of a yellow dot marker

You’ll find six differentiated versions of this free printable. The first three pages feature only Y’s and Y sound pictures. The last three focus on easily confused letters and sounds.

Here are what the pages are:

  • Uppercase Letter Y
  • Lowercase Letter Y
  • Mixed Case Y and y
  • Find the Letter Y (uppercase only)
  • Find the Letter y (lowercase only)
  • Find the Letter Y (mixed case)

What Letters Are Easily Confused with Y?

Once students know a letter in isolation, you can have them compare it to similarly shaped letters. Be careful not to do this too early because that will just confuse them!

Uppercase Y has diagonals like the letters A, V, W, X, and K. I included these on the “Find the Y” worksheet.

Lowercase y has diagonals and also a tail as does j and g. My “Find the Y” worksheets include w, A, g, j, x, and k.

What Sounds are Easily Confused with /y/?

If you’re working on phonemic awareness as well as letter identification (and you should be), it’s helpful to know what sounds are most easily confused.

We use the roof of our mouth to make the initial /y/ sound. We also make the /sh/, /ch/, /zh/, /j/, and /r/ sounds that way. If you look in a mirror while saying these sounds you’ll see that your mouth looks about the same each time.

Auditory-wise, I think /j/ and /sh/ sounds are closest to the /y/ sound/, so I included a picture representing “jumping” for /j/ and a shell picture for the /sh/ sound.

More Dot Marker Printables

When your kids are into dot markers you can always use more free printabes. Here are a few you can find right here on this blog (you can just click the picture to visit that post):

Download the Free Printable

I have this pack set to download instantly:

Letter Y Worksheets

Happy Teaching!

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